GroupAssure: Compliance automation software

Compliance solutions for U.S. enterprises, government agencies, 和 trade associations.

GroupAssureTM is ICF’s compliance automation software that includes a sophisticated security model providing flexible access control 和 workflows, enabling us to customize 和 deliver focused compliance solutions for individual sectors 和 industries while leveraging our expertise in software development of workflow 和 compliance solutions.

Automation 和 Expertise

To demonstrate how we've leveraged GroupAssure for other organizations, see our case studies on Compliance Automation for Physical SecurityIndustry-Focused Solution for 网络安全.

Physical Security 解决方案

Cyber Security 解决方案

  • 提醒工具
  • 扫描工具


The risk评估套件 of applications helps our Federal clients adhere to Interagency Security Committee (ISC) guidelines for physical security with a consistent 和 structured risk assessment, allowing them to determine risk for each Agency facility in accordance with the ISC H和book 和 the Design-Basis Threat (DBT). The risk评估工具 has been certified by the ISC for use at one of our large Federal clients.



  • Calculates the Facility Security Level (FSL) in accordance with ISC guidelines
  • Incorporates the ISC’s DBT information for determining a facility’s necessary level of protection
  • Provides a Risk Assessment Questionnaire for assessing a facility’s level of protection by indicating countermeasures that are in place at the facility
  • Provides a risk acceptance form for documenting when electing not to remediate known vulnerabilities due to cost or other Agency limitations
  • Provides HTML, PDF, 和 Excel versions of a final risk assessment report
  • Generates a list of remediation items for physical security deficiencies identified during the assessment


  • Stores a list of all remediation items identified in the risk评估工具 per facility
  • Allows those responsible for physical security to request funding for physical security items
  • Allows those responsible for oversight of a physical security program to approve funding requests, track remediation of issues, 和 monitor the budget used for addressing deficiencies


  • Displays risk assessment due dates for each facility based on the FSL determination 和 last assessment date for each facility


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案

Facility Security Plan Suite

The Facility Security Plan Suite of applications helps our Federal clients adhere to the Interagency Security Committee (ISC) guideline to develop a written facility security plan (FSP) that identifies security responsibilities, 紧急联系人, response procedures for Eventss, 和 contingency plans for temporary upgrades in accordance with the National Terrorism Advisory System. By using this suite of applications, our clients can develop a consistent set of FSPs for all facilities nationwide.


Facility Security Plan Questionnaire

  • Contains a customizable series of questions; answers are imported into the FSP template

Facility Security Plan Tool

  • Contains the FSP template (with answers from the questionnaire)
  • Contains the FSP approval form
  • Contains a log of all FSP approval actions
  • Provides automated reminder notifications to update 和 re-submit the FSP on an annual basis


  • Provides logging capabilities for key issuance, evacuation drills, IDS testing 和 activation, etc.
  • Provides capabilities to create custom logs
  • Provides ability to import log information into the FSP template


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案


The Events报告工具 allows our clients to report on physical security Eventss related to their facilities or Eventss near their facilities that could impact them in some capacity. Clients use the information within this tool to identify facilities where physical security Eventss are high so they can allocate more resources to the protection of those facilities.


Incident Reporting Form

  • Provides an Events form for physical security Eventss such as assault, arson, theft, etc.
  • Allows for attaching additional documentation such as police reports, FPS reports, etc.
  • Sends automated email notifications regarding the Events

Incident Reporting Administration

  • Allows for editing 和 redacting Events reports
  • Provides analysis reporting of all Eventss (e.g., the number of assaults that occurred in May 2016)


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案

Physical Access Management/访客管理 Tool

The Physical Access Management Tool is a common-user interface that our clients use to request 和 approve access to multiple Physical Access Control Systems.* The audit log associated with the application enables our clients to quickly 和 accurately comply with both internal 和 external physical access audit requests.

*Dependent on the availability of a PACS API to provide desired functionality/connectivity.


Physical Access Management

  • Provides an interface for requesting access for employees 和 contractors.
  • Provides an interface for requesting access for visitors.
  • Provides an interface for approving access requests.
  • Sends automated email notifications to those responsible for approving the requests.
  • Sends automated notifications to requestor when approvals have been granted.
  • Supports automated revocation of access upon employee termination per HSPD-12 requirements.
  • Can integrate with agency card management 和 identity management systems.


  • Provides an interface for checking guests into 和 out of a facility.
  • Assigns access levels to visitor badges immediately upon check-in.
  • Un-assigns access levels to visitor badges immediately upon check-out or expiration of the visit.
  • Provides an interface for managing the Denial of Access list.


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案

Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Case Management Tool

The Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Case Management Tool helps our Federal clients adhere to the Office of Personnel Management Guide for Agency-Specific Domestic Violence, 性侵犯, 跟踪政策.


Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Reporting Form

  • An Events form for reporting workplace 和 domestic violence issues

Workplace 和 Domestic Violence Case Management

  • Provides an administrative interface for assigning Crisis Action Team (CAT) members access to the application
  • Provides a queue for holding all submitted Events forms
  • Allows for tracking the status of cases from beginning through resolution
  • Allows for the creation of cases that may contain one or more of the submitted Events reports
  • Allows for the merging of cases into a single case
  • Provides an audit page listing all changes made to the case
  • Provides reporting on case statistics


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案


The 守卫监督工具 allows for the centralized management 和 oversight of all guard staff at a single facility or multiple facilities.


守卫监督工具 Administration

  • Provides an interface for configuring facilities, entrances, 和 posts
  • Provides an administrative interface for configuring post schedules to include override schedules for holidays 和 other special events
  • Provides an interface for managing guards
  • Provides an interface for managing guard training
  • Provides an interface for viewing the staffing of each guard post
  • Provides an interface for viewing the sign-in/sign-out activity for each guard during a selected timeframe
  • Allows for the sending of automated emails when a post is not staffed within a pre-determined amount of time from the opening of the post
  • Allows for the sending of automated emails when a guard signs in to a post for which he/she does not have the required training

Guard Sign-In/Sign-Out Interface

  • Provides an interface at each entrance listing only the posts that are available for staffing at that entrance
  • Provides a configurable option to allow guards the ability to sign in to a post only if they have the training required for that post


View all of our Physical Security 解决方案


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